refactoring the dinosaur
- @noopkat -

suz hinton

  1. @noopkat

  2. NYC

  3. front-end dev @ kickstarter

photo of NYC cityscape


KSR library
Zach Dunham


public radio


public radio
public radio software


  1. Accessibility

  2. Ugly

  3. Error management

I am a modern lady

with modern taste in software

we can do better for hardware apps

for both end users, and developers

public radio software
nw.js homepage
screenshot of avrgirl example code
public radio

Atmel® ATtiny45

  1. 4KB program memory

  2. 256B EEPROM


laptop, programmer and chip in a row, with labels above them
diagram with 2 boxes: GUI and upload
avrdude bin exec icon, text: avrdude, < 500KB


  1. AVR Downloader/UploaDEr

  2. written in C

  3. open source

avrdude strengths

  1. it works really well

  2. been around a long time

  3. traction++

avrdude limitations

  1. command line only

  2. no tests

  3. fragmented community

creating a NodeJS alternative

NodeJS advantages

  1. small family of packages

  2. easier to test

  3. better flexibility for use

  4. more accessible*

publish it for others!


AVR General Isp pRogramming tooL

shaved mammoths
screenshot of google with no results

this posed a challenge or two

challenge #1

support USB programmers

four example photos of programmers


  1. STK500v1

  2. STK500v2

  3. AVR109

  4. USBtinyISP

angry looking datasheet
sample page of a datasheet

challenge #2

support all the Atmel® chips!

> 400


chip json example

200MB of XML

my crying face

 npm install xml2js

my crying face
shaved mammoths
avrgirl architecture drawing
avrgirl architecture drawing
four icons, each representing a released avrgirl package


my crying face

better developer experience

Do the maths properly. It will all be in words. You then display a byte location counter with word content. Sit down and use consistent sizes / reports. David.
a very sad puppy with its head down, alone next to a park bench. It has been left behind and is very lonely.
screenshot of avrgirl example code

  1. beautiful docs

  2. ease of use

  3. modern

better user experience

  1. improved a11y

  2. ease of use

  3. non scary

screenshot of public radio app


> console.log('thank you');
