travis won't accept my packages
- @noopkat -

why are we here

suz hinton

  1. @noopkat

  2. NYC

  3. front-end dev @ kickstarter

photo of NYC cityscape


shoes decorated to look like cats, connected with a wire
chunky black plastic bracelet worn on posed wrist, with 2 red 8-bit style hearts embossed on top of bracelet iPhone on table with text messages of kitten pictures displaying


raspberry pi computer running off a battery and connected to a thermal printer


thermal printed roll of paper with images and text on it
oled screen on a breadboard, displaying a pixelated monchrome picture of a cat's face
github screenshot of some pull requests

testing hardware libraries

unit tests are often not enough

vigilant integration testing is necessary

three oled screen simulations with different test patterns

why not just write a sim?

why not just write a sim?

it would be too 'perfect'


github screenshot of a pull request

physical integration testing

travis ci logo
github screenshot of a pull request
travis ci logo, with a mail parcel to the right

so I tried rolling my own in javascript

here is how I did it

diagram of github octokitty and server communicating via webhooks and api calls
diagram of server fetching, building, demoing, taking photos, compositing, commenting on the PR.
picture of breadboard circuit with three oled screens, and Arduino Nano and a multiplexer breakout
picture of a raspberry pi 2
picture of a 3d printed tray for a breadboard, with ball and socket joint arm with webcam attached
picture of a raspberry pi 2

npm modules

misc software


did it work?

next steps

next steps

do a thing

it's ok to be niche

success is different for everyone

fall in love with testing

> console.log('thank you');